„Priroda u pozitivu“ Exhibition Opened

An exhibition showing the best works from the photo contest “Nature in Positive” opened at the Belgrade Youth Center as part of the 10th Green Fest. The competition was organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the National Geographic magazine in Serbian. All photos will be available to the audience until October 18, and after that, the exhibition will be staged in Novi Sad and Niš. During the opening ceremony, awards to the authors of the works that stood out from the 3,100 photographs were presented by the Head of Information, Communication and Media of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Paul-Henri Pressett, and Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Serbia, Igor Rill. In the competition of camera work, Geza Farkaš won first place, Jan Valo was second, while Zoran Milutinović also took the place on the podium. The most impressive mobile phone photo is the work of Jana Kotnik.
