SUPER – EU Support to Preschool Education and Education

Quality programs of preschool education contribute to the development of all the potentials of the child and have an important impact on the later social life, the participants concluded during the official start of the project “Support to the reform of the system of preschool education” (SUPER). Serbia still has one of the lowest rates of participation of children in preschool education and education (PSC) compared to EU countries. About 75% of children aged 4 to 6.5 are included in kindergartens 2016/2017, 20% less than in the countries of the Union. We must work together to improve the current situation, says Head of the Operations II of the EU Delegation to Serbia Steffen Hudolin. “The EU will continue to support the reforms of this important sector. Since 2003, the Union has invested over 100 million euros in improving all levels of education in Serbia and remains the largest international partner in Serbia on its path to accession”, Hudolin says.
