Civil protection never sleeps – MODEX

Exercises on civil protection modules  (MODEX) aim to better prepare EU Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM) response capacities and experts for international deployment. Also, the idea is to improve coordination by improving compatibility and interoperability between teams of experts from different EU Member Sates and participating Countries. MODEX exercises give the opportunity to practice, test and improve preparedness, with a particular focus on coordination, self-sufficiency, interoperability, standard operating procedures, communication and reporting, security and language skills. This MODEX exercise in Serbia is based on a scenario similar to the 2014. floods, and focuses on the coordination of EUCPM teams of experts for post-disaster analysis and reccomendations. The Sector for Emergency Management is a key actor in the exercise, coordinating the misison of the experts and contributing to develop the EUCPM capacities for preparednesss, response and disater risk management.
