EU for improving the conditions for sports, recreation and tourism in Ćićevac and Zaječar

The European Union provides support for more balanced local development by improving living conditions in cities and municipalities throughout Serbia. With EU grants, the conditions for practising sports, recreation, and tourism are improved, as Nicola Bertolini, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation, witnessed during his working visit to Ćićevac and Zaječar. The Municipality of Ćićevac,  with EU grants of 76,000 Euros built a multi-functional playground with a field for football, handball, volleyball and basketball, while children’s playing equipment was also installed. In Zaječar, Bertolini was introduced to a new project worth over one million euros, which the City will implement with the support of the European Union. This comprehensive endeavour, to be carried out through the EU PRO Plus programme, aims to enhance sustainable tourism in the Zaječar district. Strategic infrastructure projects will be implemented in Zaječar, Knjaževac, Sokobanja, and Boljevac, contributing to the development and promotion of the region’s tourism potential.
