From Belgium to Hungary: New opportunities to further accelerate the enlargement process

The sixteenth traditional panel discussion regarding the change of the presidency of the Council of the European Union has been held today in Belgrade, jointly organized by the European Policy Center (CEP) and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia. The panelists at the event From Belgium to Hungary: New opportunities to further accelerate the enlargement process were H.E. Cathy Buggenhout, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, H.E. Jozsef Zoltan Magyar, Ambassador of Hungary, H.E. Emanuele Giaufret, Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, Tanja Miščević, Minister for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia and Srđan Majstorović Chairman of the CEP Governing Board. The panel was moderated by Strahinja Subotić, Program Manager and Senior Researcher at CEP.
