During the Flood Protection Infrastructure Reconstruction project, flood protection was implemented on about 94 kilometers of rivers that flow through these five municipalities. Cleaning of drainage channels, construction of embankments, purchase of equipment, such as mobile pumps or machines for filling sandbags, as well as a system for remote control of pumping stations. After five and a half years, the works were successfully completed, and on the occasion of the end of the project, all those who contributed gathered in Obrenovac. “The European Union is the biggest donor of Obrenovac and the citizens of Obrenovac know it, because each of them had some kind of donation in their house. Thanks also to Austria… We are aware that Obrenovac would not exist without the help of the EU in the field of education, culture, economy, agriculture… Once again on behalf of the citizens of Obrenovac – thank you”, Miroslav Čučković, president of the Municipality of Obrenovac, addressed the guests.