Meet the new 30 “Superschools” of Serbia

The ”Superschools” program, implemented by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans (RYCO) continues in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), with selected secondary schools from Serbia that will have the opportunity through cooperation and exchanges with schools from the Western Balkans to actively participate in building peace, reconciliation, intercultural learning and dialogue between schools and young people. 30 secondary schools from different parts of Serbia were presented and they will involve 400 students and teachers in these projects through exchanges and interactive activities. Exchanges give students and teachers the opportunity to travel, present themselves, their schools and customs, but also to learn something new about local communities in different parts of the region. At the event in which secondary schools from Serbia were presented, the important of regional programs such as “Superschools” aimed at secondary schools was highlighted, the efforts of schools in creating a safe environment for young people were praised, as well as their contribution to the review of social constructs that burden the region. “The schools were selected because of their innovation and commitment to education, and their work and effort will now be additionally supported and will thus empower not only individual schools that are part of the project, but also the entire education system in Serbia”, said Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Minister of Education
