Removal of Sunken Vessels from the Danube and Smart Meters with EU Support

Connectivity is EU value that is not abstract but brings direct benefits to citizens and the economy in the form of faster and easier travel, with an emphasis on using modes of transport that have minimal environmental impact. Energy systems are often components of connectivity, and investing in modernization is highly worthwhile. Today’s event at the Government of the Republic of Serbia is an example of the synergy between these two sectors. The removal of sunken vessels from World War II will enable easier river traffic on the Danube, and new smart meters will allow for easier monitoring and lower electricity consumption. “Today, we signed a grant agreement worth EUR 16 million, – an EU donation to Serbia for the project of Removal of World War II sunken vessels from the Danube in Serbia, located downstream of the Port of Prahovo, at the Djerdap gorge on the border with Romania. This project will improve the navigability of the Danube in Serbia. It will make navigation of the Danube safer, greener, and more efficient, reducing environmental and safety hazards. It is an important project for the Green Agenda too, as it will facilitate the much-needed shift from road to waterway transport. It is a part of the Economic Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, which aims to mobilise up to €30 billion for the region. EU delivers results for the better life for the citizens of Serbia”, said EU Ambassador to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret.
