The Deputy Head of Delegation Visits Niš

The partnership between the European Union and the Nišville Jazz Festival has lasted for ten years. Plamena Halacheva, the Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, emphasized the importance of this collaboration at the press conference that marked the beginning of the 30th Nišville Jazz Festival. She highlighted that this partnership paves the way for new generations of jazz musicians. “Through our cooperation, the Youth Stage was created, providing young musicians with the opportunity to be part of this significant festival and learn from the greats of the jazz music scene,” she stated. Ivan Blagojević, the director of the Nišville Jazz Festival, took the opportunity to thank the European Union, which, as he mentioned, helped the festival survive in recent years. The festival has successfully implemented projects through the Creative Europe program and the Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia program in the past few years.
